Cooks Who Can See Their Customers, Have Higher Customer Satisfaction
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By simply opening up the work environment, companies can create greater transparency and build better customer experiences. It increases and improves the quality and perceived value of products and services. This makes transparency a low-cost strategic advantage.GA VERDER

Koks die hun klanten zien, verhogen de klanttevredenheid

In de jongste editie van Harvard Business Review las ik een artikel…GA VERDER

Fondsenwerving: een portemonnee van porselein

Begin september liet ik mij verleiden mee te doen aan de Ice…GA VERDER

The Customer's Brain: Why Customers Lie

Customer behaviour is driven by emotions rather than by reason. Your customers will rationalize their behaviour afterwards. And they will lie to you if you ask them why they do what they do. Or if you ask them what their buying behaviour will be if you are going to offer them this or that. They will give you an answer to the best of their knowledge, but the truth is they don’t know. One of the most difficult things for people is to predict their future behaviour. That's why customers lie.GA VERDER