
How Your CX Listening Mindset Can Make This World a Better Place

How Your CX Listening Mindset Can Make This World a Better Place | Podcast

How Your CX Listening Mindset Can Make This World a Better Place
As a customer experience professional, you are a connector by nature. You connect your organization, your brand with its customers. Wouldn’t it be great if you could take your professional listening skills to the next level?
15 February 2021
How I Discovered the Power of Listening

How I Discovered the Power of Listening | Podcast

How I Discovered the Power of Listening
In this blog post, I share a personal story about how I discovered the power of listening. You will also learn what I mean by 'corporate deafness', and how brands can become listening brands, and how a listening mindset will help teams transform into listening teams and will help you become a listening leader.
20 January 2021
corporate deafness

A Cure for Corporate Deafness - 7 Steps to Closed-Loop Feedback

corporate deafness
In addition to asking customers for feedback, it is just as important to do something with that customer feedback. Let’s take a look at the 7 steps in the closed-loop feedback process:
3 January 2021
World Map by Matteo Ricci

The Customer Revolution

World Map by Matteo Ricci
The new world order in which the customer has the ultimate power to decide about life and death, has consequences for every company. Tomorrow’s winners are those organizations that succeed in giving their customers a voice, in listening carefully to them and in tailoring their products, services, and communication to their wishes. If they succeed in making their customers feel seen and heard, these companies and their customers will enter a beautiful new world.
4 September 2020
customer-oriented culture

A Customer-Oriented Culture Requires Exemplary Behavior

customer-oriented culture
One of the aspects of creating a customer-oriented culture is exemplary behaviour. Does the management itself show that it puts into practice what it preaches? Organizations and teams that distinguish themselves positively from others in terms of customer focus are, without exception, led by a leader who also shows that the customer stands on one. Together with the employees.
4 June 2018

Dear Bank,

"Dear Bank" is a personal story about customer experience and customer loyalty. Loyalty from the customer also requires loyalty to the customer. In both good as well as bad times.
9 December 2015

What You Can Learn From Ryanair's Customer Centricity

One of the companies that is often discussed when it comes for its lack of customer centricity is discount airline Ryanair. What do Ryanair's customers think? How do they rate their customer experience?
4 January 2015

Cooks Who Can See Their Customers, Have Higher Customer Satisfaction

By simply opening up the work environment, companies can create greater transparency and build better customer experiences. It increases and improves the quality and perceived value of products and services. This makes transparency a low-cost strategic advantage.
27 November 2014