
Selling Starts When the Customer Says 'Yes'

"The selling starts when the customer says ‘no’". This has become the widely used mantra of self-proclaimed sales experts, who have caused considerable damage to customers’ trust. Selling starts when the customer says ‘yes’.GA VERDER

Do Happy Customers Also Ensure More Profits?

The most important person is the customer. In every company. That’s why the focus should always be on the customer. Because satisfied customers are good for the company.
This sounds nice but is it also true? Is there a proven relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability?GA VERDER

A Customer-Oriented Culture Requires Exemplary Behavior

One of the aspects of creating a customer-oriented culture is exemplary behaviour. Does the management itself show that it puts into practice what it preaches? Organizations and teams that distinguish themselves positively from others in terms of customer focus are, without exception, led by a leader who also shows that the customer stands on one. Together with the employees.GA VERDER

Dear Bank,

"Dear Bank" is a personal story about customer experience and customer loyalty. Loyalty from the customer also requires loyalty to the customer. In both good as well as bad times. GA VERDER

What You Can Learn From Ryanair's Customer Centricity

One of the companies that is often discussed when it comes for its lack of customer centricity is discount airline Ryanair. What do Ryanair's customers think? How do they rate their customer experience?GA VERDER